Get Lucky

We are Lucky’s Vape. It’s nice to meet you!

Quality Materials

All of our products are inspected before they’re put out on display, although we can no guarentee nothing is without defects, we can promise that we inspect them when we get them in!

Award Winning

First store in Wichita to hold vape meets, cloud comps, authentic mods, premium out of house juices, a complete vape lounge, What’s not to like?

Friendly Staff

With a knowledgable staff, you can ensure you’ll get nothing but the most honest opinion from our commission – free establishment!

Located In ICT

We never strive away from home, because of that, we have 3 locations in Wichita so that you’re never too far away. Just look on our contact page for more info!

Seeing Is Believing

Meet The Team.

Fifteen proud members strong

You can count on our team on having a person for every department, whether you wanna talk business, product knowledge, collaborations, finances, we have a specialist for every department! All members were gathered over a 2 year initiation ritual / sacrifice.

Discover More

Matthew Powell

32nd Degree Wizard

Kevin Nguyen

Human Resources & Inventory Specialist

Tom Rogers

Grandmaster Wizard

Dominic Nguyen

Boss Hogg Outlaw

Established In 2013

Roots Run Deep.

Sure, the FDA may not wanna approve it

But the difference between vaping and a cigarette addiction could be the difference between an All Wheel Drive Subaru and an old 1987 Cadillac with bald tires during an ice storm, Respectively.

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